sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

"Emigrating forces you to reflect on your background"

The journalist published a book about the Spanish who went to Holland in the 60
The Cadiz Antonio Rios ate dog meat for weeks for not understanding the language


"I was illiterate . The first few weeks in Amsterdam in 1964 ate corned beef to save money. And I liked it. Until one day the butcher asked me how was my dog. Wow , wow, man said . No dog, I replied. So cans of meat who are ? Insisted . Mother! All that time had eaten dog meat ! . " The Cadiz Antonio Rios emigrated to Holland in the sixties to work in Ford with little more than a cardboard suitcase . Steven Adolf , Dutch journalist (The Hague, 1959) has collected her story and that of other Spanish emigrants of those years in the book Mi casa, su casa . A table with Spanish emigrants from Holland, presented today in Madrid, along with an exhibition of photographs and objects of the protagonists. Adolf reviews your book to find the data: " Some 80,000 Spaniards then worked in the Netherlands ." The grandparents of young emigrants today also had to leave the country to make a living . And they did so without languages. No Ryanair. No smartphone.

"It was people who in many cases had never left her village," says the reporter between the first and second cut coffee drunk in the historic Commercial Café Madrid, with its marble tables and mirrored walls. "Antonio Rios, for example, thought that Spanish was spoken in the Netherlands, because he knew that King Philip II had ruled there." The gastarbeiders (outside workers) Spanish arrived in a cold country, with timetables and customs very different from those of Franco's Spain. "In 1963 a wildcat strike broke out between the Spanish miners Heerlen (southeastern Netherlands) because after finishing the working day in the camp, rather than the fiance got them ham sausage, and considered unacceptable." The early years living in camps many businesses, sometimes crammed into small apartments without shower. Adolf hurries and has coffee with background noise gatherings, how migration to the Netherlands was organized: "In 1961, the two countries signed a retainer agreement Spaniards. They were recruited directly from Spain to work in the burgeoning Dutch industry, hungry for cheap labor. "
The morning of the interview is cold in Madrid and there are still remnants of garbage in the streets after the strike of street cleaning, in a sort of metaphor for the state of things. The journalist, correspondent in Spain the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant , came to the capital to be installed for the first time in 1993 . " They started the boom years . As the Dutch say , it seemed that the trees grew to the sky , "recalls . From the country that is now surprised that even continue to keep the savoir vivre , despite the difficulties , and that citizens , says , " do not demand political responsibilities ."

In Spain 20 years later, 16,700 people have fled to the Netherlands in search of a job. Adolf also feels somehow an immigrant because his house correspondent has spent much time away from their land. " The place where you were born is just one more aspect of your personality ," he says . And traveling , concludes , we learn : " Immigrating forces you to think about the country you arrive, but also about your own origins "

Blades to despair.

The image this week has a few years , but produces a restlessness that has no expiration . Moreover knowing it exists and operates around the fenced border with Morocco and Ceuta in the bottom of much of the perimeter of Melilla. It's called concertina, singular name as a system of prevention and punishment with fine blades on top of a fence shared with a musical instrument of the accordion family . Nothing in common , of course , beyond both their mission to excite or move, although in very different hemispheres .

It turns out that the Government of Mariano Rajoy , who has cut up what irrecortable , now designed for the poor rioters punishments that make them even poorer , getting education muster unanimous rejections, who is leaving the health research and lame and maimed , Having regained the old habit of going to make a living abroad , the Government delivered and effective , we will put sharp the tide of despair coming from the south.

Saenz de Santamaria said the vice president has already Rajoy at his table the " extensive report " on the new deployment of blades in the Melilla border fence , and will analyze , while internal supports and reiterates he does not think to stop . Which leads me to think that if there is unanimity in the government analysis will serve only to learn how people affect the already famous cuchillitas prevent. If you think not withdraw , what the hell are you analyzing ?

But also I do not think there is anything about which to. The blades will cause deep wounds and a severe case dare to climb on the fence. That is a conclusion that does not require complex analysis , I think. Simply apply a razor blade on the skin with a little bit of pressure and movement to open a wound that will get a first idea of ​​the action of these concertinas .

I remember the days of childhood when on some farms fences broken glass were placed to prevent perching on them. Were certainly persuasive for adults, but when we have the ball sneaked in a building with these crystals , we risked the kids , we placed a sweater , blanket or whatever and we jumped over to take back what was ours.
Today the government maintains that the blades placed in Melilla is necessary and will not back down , I insist , Interior dixit . Thus, the desperate attempt to cross them add to their despair more pain and anger , more resentment and more risk.

Because I guess the government does not think that their mere existence is going to stop anyone who has nothing to lose. If we, kids playing , crystals scared us but kept us jumping for the ball , men and women fledged , weeks and months leading crossing a continent desperate and hungry , the blades are not going to take away the idea jump . Nobody has any doubt they will, and will be cut and will suffer more, but their calculation is that all wounded and go forward on their way .

Add pain to your pain, misery to our selfishness.

Melilla symbolize blades with starkly with the brightness of his criminal sharpness, whose effort is unsupportive understanding that equality in the world is a joke, a dialectical action applies only among his own kind and color. It is the picture of Europe that uses us as fierce gendarmes to maintain not really know why, because what we get after all these years we are also snatching .

Queen:Too mach love will kill you.

Soy sólo las piezas del hombre que solía ser 
Demasiadas lágrimas de amargura están lloviendo sobre mí 
Estoy lejos de casa 
Y estuve encarando esto solo 
por demasiado tiempo
Siento que nunca nadie me dijo la verdad 
sobre crecer y de lo doloroso que sería. 
En mi enredada mente
He estado buscando en el pasado para encontrar qué hice mal.

Demasiado amor te matará
si no puedes despejar tu mente 
Rasgadura en el medio del amante, 
y el amor que dejas a un lado 
Vas directo al desastre, 
porque nunca leíste las reglas. 
Demasiado amor te matará, 
en cada momento. 

Soy sólo la sombra del hombre que solía ser, 
Y parece que no hay modo de salir de esto para mí
Solía traerte la luz de la mañana, 
ahora todo lo que hago es deprimirte
¿Como sería si estuvieses parada en mis zapatos? 
¿No puedes ver que es imposible elegir? 
No, nada de esto tiene sentido
Adonde sea que vaya, estoy condenado a perder.

Demasiado amor te matará
Eso es tan seguro como ninguna otra cosa 
Consumirá el poder que está en tí
te hará suplicar y gritar y arrastrarte
y el dolor te enloquecerá 
Tú eres la víctima de tu crimen 
Demasiado amor te matará,
En cada momento

Demasiado amor te matará
hará de tu vida una mentira 
Sí, demasiado amor te matará
y no entenderás porqué
Tu darías tu vida, venderías tu alma,
pero aquí viene de nuevo
Demasiado amor te matará 
al final... 
al final...