sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014
Bruce Springsteen - A Night With The Jersey Devil
Here's some great fun Thom Zimny and I had a few Halloweens back. Based on the great Robert Mitchum film 'The Night Of The Hunter,' we took to the backwoods of New Jersey for "A Night With The Jersey Devil." Enjoy! Bruce.
jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014
sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014
viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014
miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014
domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014
miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014
jueves, 26 de junio de 2014
miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014
lunes, 16 de junio de 2014
jueves, 12 de junio de 2014
miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014
lunes, 2 de junio de 2014
sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014
domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014
Job scams
Job scams.
That bad it is to be without work, I took 3 and a half years in a job with all the benefits, what is as say others unfortunately had to do and or work on days things, all in black.
Among the possibilities that I see in the job search is only over the Internet, unless you have a family member or a friend with knowledge of who touch or talk of the enterprise that is big or small let you lever to work.
Passes the time and possibilities in Spain not only don't know if they are completed that you despair every day more and more and the only solution that you see, is to start looking for work outside the first Espana.lo is to find out which pages web serve or are used for overseas employment search, clear the problem of different languages, in some cases different coins and of course the prices of all thing consumable in the country that is.
Already you've currado first pull C.V on foot.
Already you've currado the send C.V by Internet.
Solution: search abroad, have web pages already clear, time to fill C.V (English) insurance to more than half of the residents in this country, we throw Google Translator, (German), big words, as much the best French, Italian and not forget that we talk, Catalan/Valencian, etc and Basque, Galician and many more, insurance.Good all ready, now get to see our capabilities, studies and other things to know that we want and that we choose.
Over time, the days, the months, the years and already tired of send in Spain decided to out and out clear, you know our hardships.
Hardship;You get an email (mail) in a foreign language, who have received your C.V to work in whatever company that is, for those who are in the country which, with language that touch.
Joy;You tell your family, send the information that you require, start to be plans with your loved ones, and it may take two cosa:1 that you know before buy the plane ticket and go and meet a scam, a collection of early dwelling which does not exist, or a work or things like that.
2nd before investing the money that whatever it is, you look well, compare web pages, look for GOOGLE, if there is any data in the site, only to write the mail to contact work, you can appear any data or with the name of the company or employer.
With all this history I have that nothing who don't know, the hand is very difficult, but that better nothing with yours, that nothing outside your environment, is not go anywhere if they are not 100% sure, that everything is legal, that they are legal, we is not some kind of scam.
Unfortunately, Spain is in crisis and the countries and their people in many cases of our European environment are taking advantage, is that the foreigners are fast for business.
Nothing Finally, open your eyes.
Good trip.
Translated into English by Google Translate.
That bad it is to be without work, I took 3 and a half years in a job with all the benefits, what is as say others unfortunately had to do and or work on days things, all in black.
Among the possibilities that I see in the job search is only over the Internet, unless you have a family member or a friend with knowledge of who touch or talk of the enterprise that is big or small let you lever to work.
Passes the time and possibilities in Spain not only don't know if they are completed that you despair every day more and more and the only solution that you see, is to start looking for work outside the first Espana.lo is to find out which pages web serve or are used for overseas employment search, clear the problem of different languages, in some cases different coins and of course the prices of all thing consumable in the country that is.
Already you've currado first pull C.V on foot.
Already you've currado the send C.V by Internet.
Solution: search abroad, have web pages already clear, time to fill C.V (English) insurance to more than half of the residents in this country, we throw Google Translator, (German), big words, as much the best French, Italian and not forget that we talk, Catalan/Valencian, etc and Basque, Galician and many more, insurance.Good all ready, now get to see our capabilities, studies and other things to know that we want and that we choose.
Over time, the days, the months, the years and already tired of send in Spain decided to out and out clear, you know our hardships.
Hardship;You get an email (mail) in a foreign language, who have received your C.V to work in whatever company that is, for those who are in the country which, with language that touch.
Joy;You tell your family, send the information that you require, start to be plans with your loved ones, and it may take two cosa:1 that you know before buy the plane ticket and go and meet a scam, a collection of early dwelling which does not exist, or a work or things like that.
2nd before investing the money that whatever it is, you look well, compare web pages, look for GOOGLE, if there is any data in the site, only to write the mail to contact work, you can appear any data or with the name of the company or employer.
With all this history I have that nothing who don't know, the hand is very difficult, but that better nothing with yours, that nothing outside your environment, is not go anywhere if they are not 100% sure, that everything is legal, that they are legal, we is not some kind of scam.
Unfortunately, Spain is in crisis and the countries and their people in many cases of our European environment are taking advantage, is that the foreigners are fast for business.
Nothing Finally, open your eyes.
Good trip.
Translated into English by Google Translate.
Estafas de trabajo.
Que malo es estar sin trabajo,yo llevo 3 años y medio en lo que es un trabajo con todos los beneficios,por que como dicen otros lamentablemente e tenido que hacer y o trabajar en cosas de días,todo en negro.
Entre las posibilidades que yo veo en la búsqueda de trabajo es solo por Internet,a no ser que tengas un familiar o un amigo con conocimiento de a quien tocar o con quien hablar de la empresa que sea grande o pequeña que te haga palanca para poder trabajar.
Pasa el tiempo y las posibilidades en España no solo no sabes si se terminan que te desesperas cada día más y más y la única solución que ves,es empezar a buscar trabajo fuera de España.Lo primero es averiguar que paginas web sirven o se utilizan para la búsqueda de empleo en el extranjero, claro el problema de los diferentes idiomas,en algunos casos diferente monedas y por supuesto los precios de todo cosa consumible en el país que sea.
Ya te has currado lo primero, tirar C.V a pie.
Ya te has currado lo de enviar C.V por Internet.
Solución:la búsqueda en el extranjero,tenemos las paginas web ya claras,toca rellenar C.V,en (Ingles)seguro que más de la mitad de los residentes en este país ,tiramos de GOOGLE TRADUCTOR, (Alemán) palabras mayores,pues como mucho lo mejor Francés,Italiano y no olvidemos que hablamos,Catalán/Valenciano,etc y Eusquera ,Gallego y muchas más,seguro.Bueno todo preparado,ahora toca ver nuestras capacidades,estudios y demás cosas para saber que queremos y a que optamos.
Pasa el tiempo,los días ,los meses,los años y ya cansados de envíar en España decidimos fuera y a fuera claro, conocen nuestras penurias .
Penurias;Te llega un correo(mail)en una lengua extranjera, que han recibido tu C.V para trabajar en lo que sea de la empresa que sea,para quien sea en el país que sea ,con el idioma que toque.
Alegría ;Se lo cuentas a tu familia ,envías toda la información que te requieren ,empiezas a ser planes con los tuyos y pueden pasar dos cosas:1º que te des cuenta antes de comprar el billete de avión e irte y encontrarte con una estafa ,un cobro de vivienda anticipada que no existe o un trabajo o cosas por el estilo.
2º que antes de invertir el dinero que sea para lo que sea,mires bien,compares paginas web,busques por GOOGLE,si hay algún dato del sitio,solo escribiendo el mail del contacto del trabajo,te puede aparecer cualquier dato o con el nombre de la empresa o el empresario.
Con todo esta historia les quiero contar que,nada que no sepan, la mano está muy difícil,pero que mejor nada con los tuyos ,que nada fuera de tu entorno,no se vallan a ningún sitio si no están 100% seguros,de que todo es legal,de que son legales,vamos que no es algún tipo de estafa.
Lamentablemente España está en crisis y los países y su gente en muchos casos de nuestro entorno Europeo se están aprovechando,es que los guiris son rápido para los negocios.
Pues nada por último, abrir los ojos .
Buen viaje.
Entre las posibilidades que yo veo en la búsqueda de trabajo es solo por Internet,a no ser que tengas un familiar o un amigo con conocimiento de a quien tocar o con quien hablar de la empresa que sea grande o pequeña que te haga palanca para poder trabajar.
Pasa el tiempo y las posibilidades en España no solo no sabes si se terminan que te desesperas cada día más y más y la única solución que ves,es empezar a buscar trabajo fuera de España.Lo primero es averiguar que paginas web sirven o se utilizan para la búsqueda de empleo en el extranjero, claro el problema de los diferentes idiomas,en algunos casos diferente monedas y por supuesto los precios de todo cosa consumible en el país que sea.
Ya te has currado lo primero, tirar C.V a pie.
Ya te has currado lo de enviar C.V por Internet.
Solución:la búsqueda en el extranjero,tenemos las paginas web ya claras,toca rellenar C.V,en (Ingles)seguro que más de la mitad de los residentes en este país ,tiramos de GOOGLE TRADUCTOR, (Alemán) palabras mayores,pues como mucho lo mejor Francés,Italiano y no olvidemos que hablamos,Catalán/Valenciano,etc y Eusquera ,Gallego y muchas más,seguro.Bueno todo preparado,ahora toca ver nuestras capacidades,estudios y demás cosas para saber que queremos y a que optamos.
Pasa el tiempo,los días ,los meses,los años y ya cansados de envíar en España decidimos fuera y a fuera claro, conocen nuestras penurias .
Penurias;Te llega un correo(mail)en una lengua extranjera, que han recibido tu C.V para trabajar en lo que sea de la empresa que sea,para quien sea en el país que sea ,con el idioma que toque.
Alegría ;Se lo cuentas a tu familia ,envías toda la información que te requieren ,empiezas a ser planes con los tuyos y pueden pasar dos cosas:1º que te des cuenta antes de comprar el billete de avión e irte y encontrarte con una estafa ,un cobro de vivienda anticipada que no existe o un trabajo o cosas por el estilo.
2º que antes de invertir el dinero que sea para lo que sea,mires bien,compares paginas web,busques por GOOGLE,si hay algún dato del sitio,solo escribiendo el mail del contacto del trabajo,te puede aparecer cualquier dato o con el nombre de la empresa o el empresario.
Con todo esta historia les quiero contar que,nada que no sepan, la mano está muy difícil,pero que mejor nada con los tuyos ,que nada fuera de tu entorno,no se vallan a ningún sitio si no están 100% seguros,de que todo es legal,de que son legales,vamos que no es algún tipo de estafa.
Lamentablemente España está en crisis y los países y su gente en muchos casos de nuestro entorno Europeo se están aprovechando,es que los guiris son rápido para los negocios.
Pues nada por último, abrir los ojos .
Buen viaje.
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014
domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014
Fallas de Valencia, Spain.
Las Fallas is possibly the best example of fietas of Valencia for the outside .
Beginning March 13 and culminate on 19 , which has been called Fallas week . Failures are a great burst of light, music , fire and color imaginable only for people who have ever lived in life.
Their tradition is of pagan origin and commemorate the four festivals that celebrate the change of season : December 21 , Christmas. March 21 , Fallas , Spring. On June 21 , San Juan and bonfires , entrance to summer, September 21 , vintage and entrance to Autumn .

Keep in mind that there are astronomical precision today had not the old parties and so day 21 is not exactly celebrating .
Valencia, land of carpenters and woodworkers , this party began to use to burn and deshacersae all slats and wood debris that had accumulated in their workshops throughout the year.
As winter had passed and would not even use to heat homes and fireplaces, began to gather in the center of the square of their neighborhood and the evolution of San Jose, patron saint of carpenters , set alight . In this tradition were uniting neighbors who they placed in the square next to the slats , furniture , chairs, etc, old and useless into a tradition of Valencia.
Then time and artistic talent did the rest , they were shaping woodpiles and old furniture , he was putting in Valencian explanatory signs , etc. . Once ingrained habit, started the youth of the suburbs to go from house to house collecting old furniture to give a graceful and artistic way . There were born embryos current Fallas Commissions.
The onset of failure is lost in legend and tradition. During the winter evenings carpenters workshops illuminated with oil lamps fastened in wooden structures called parots . With the arrival of spring , having more sun , these lamps were not needed and parot burned at the door of the workshops. Early failures were so wooden clothes and later wax heads are added.
The board appears in the workshops as a substitute for wax, modeling clay or plaster mold was removed and the carton . The resulting piece was covered with panet and sanded to finish with paint.
Later, in the 50s , the ninot are all built on the entire board and then fails with a wooden structure . 70 in the polyester material , albeit more expensive appears modeling process greatly speeds and drying components is often accompanied with glass fiber for clothes , the finish was the same as the carton . The cork white burst onto the workshops in the 80s , lighter, with different textures and easy to shape with bow, drew the sketch artists and cork sheet cut in cross sections . This technique increases the versatility to the molds not being necessary . ac presently used computers once modeled the failure to scale, the pieces are placed in a scanner which divides the model and cut the size indicated. Depending on the detail you want to give to the figure, the sheets have varying thickness . Once cut sections are joined together in each of the parts. The sections are glued , sanded and painted . This technique allows one hand higher volumes , a considerable saving of time and the correction in the computer sizes and locations . The change of materials and techniques involves a radical change in the appearance of the Fallas workshops in the place where the panet , cardboard and molds can see now the most advanced computer equipment was piled .
Beginning March 13 and culminate on 19 , which has been called Fallas week . Failures are a great burst of light, music , fire and color imaginable only for people who have ever lived in life.
Their tradition is of pagan origin and commemorate the four festivals that celebrate the change of season : December 21 , Christmas. March 21 , Fallas , Spring. On June 21 , San Juan and bonfires , entrance to summer, September 21 , vintage and entrance to Autumn .
Keep in mind that there are astronomical precision today had not the old parties and so day 21 is not exactly celebrating .
Valencia, land of carpenters and woodworkers , this party began to use to burn and deshacersae all slats and wood debris that had accumulated in their workshops throughout the year.
As winter had passed and would not even use to heat homes and fireplaces, began to gather in the center of the square of their neighborhood and the evolution of San Jose, patron saint of carpenters , set alight . In this tradition were uniting neighbors who they placed in the square next to the slats , furniture , chairs, etc, old and useless into a tradition of Valencia.
Then time and artistic talent did the rest , they were shaping woodpiles and old furniture , he was putting in Valencian explanatory signs , etc. . Once ingrained habit, started the youth of the suburbs to go from house to house collecting old furniture to give a graceful and artistic way . There were born embryos current Fallas Commissions.
The onset of failure is lost in legend and tradition. During the winter evenings carpenters workshops illuminated with oil lamps fastened in wooden structures called parots . With the arrival of spring , having more sun , these lamps were not needed and parot burned at the door of the workshops. Early failures were so wooden clothes and later wax heads are added.
The board appears in the workshops as a substitute for wax, modeling clay or plaster mold was removed and the carton . The resulting piece was covered with panet and sanded to finish with paint.
Later, in the 50s , the ninot are all built on the entire board and then fails with a wooden structure . 70 in the polyester material , albeit more expensive appears modeling process greatly speeds and drying components is often accompanied with glass fiber for clothes , the finish was the same as the carton . The cork white burst onto the workshops in the 80s , lighter, with different textures and easy to shape with bow, drew the sketch artists and cork sheet cut in cross sections . This technique increases the versatility to the molds not being necessary . ac presently used computers once modeled the failure to scale, the pieces are placed in a scanner which divides the model and cut the size indicated. Depending on the detail you want to give to the figure, the sheets have varying thickness . Once cut sections are joined together in each of the parts. The sections are glued , sanded and painted . This technique allows one hand higher volumes , a considerable saving of time and the correction in the computer sizes and locations . The change of materials and techniques involves a radical change in the appearance of the Fallas workshops in the place where the panet , cardboard and molds can see now the most advanced computer equipment was piled .
jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014
Poverty hidden "German miracle"
In a stagnant eurozone , German locomotive seems to have found the formula to repeat the miracle of postwar low unemployment rate , economic growth and increased exports . But this glossy showcase for hiding an unthinkable fourth largest economy and second largest exporter in the world social reality. This flexible labor market explains an apparent paradox reflected in the Social Report 2013 published by the German Federal Office of Statistics. According to the report , the level of employment in 2012 reached a record 41.5 million people, but the total number of hours worked was below the rate for 1991 . " More and more people working part time voluntarily or because they do not offer anything else," the report said .

Poverty in a rich country
This job insecurity has been accompanied by an increased "risk of poverty " . According to the official flag "is considered precarious situation when a household whose income does not exceed 60 % of the median income of the entire country." Constantly ready money is all that is below 848 euros per month ( equivalent to U.S. $ 1,158 ) . In purely numerical terms it is clear that a poor in Germany is not as poor as in Latin America. But if you take into account the cost of living in Germany , the hardness of the European winter and the monthly salary of mini-jobs (450 euros) the film changes . Although employment has grown in the last ten years , today more than 16 % of the population is at " risk of poverty " compared with 15.2 % in 2007. The increase may seem minimal, but reflects a new social premise: having a job is not enough to escape poverty. According to German researcher Sebastian Dullien , author of " decent Capitalism " , the changes of the last decade are creating a new model. " The double reform social security and the labor market has greatly increased poverty and inequality. We are becoming a country of low wages ," the BBC said Dullien .
Global world , flexible work
The starting point was the Agenda 2010 reform led by the Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in 2002 to combat the challenges of globalization. That year the German growth was 0 % and had a high rate of "chronic" unemployment considered . Many economists Germany called the " sick man of Europe ," incapable of coping with the competition from China and other Asian countries . According to the head of the European Research Council for Foreign Affairs , Hans Kundnani , Agenda 2010 favored employers at the expense of workers. "To compete globally entrepreneurs were moving production to countries with lower labor costs. This forced the unions to accept wage moderation . So they worked did not see a drop in their standard of living for the security reform social and those that work had not felt that they benefited from this so-called German ' second miracle ' . relaxed to that the employment contributed to lower labor costs plus the German joined , "he told BBC Kundnani . The unions negotiating tripartite system -business- government established after World War II paved the way for this adjustment was made, but considering that GDP growth between 2002-2012 was 1.2 % the economic performance is far from being a "miracle" . " we had a couple of pretty good years , but the growth has not been as strong . wage stagnation was a fall in living standards and our domestic consumption," Dullien told BBC world.
The long-term
A poverty rates , add a crisis that is hitting very hard to retirees. The official estimate is that 30 % receive a pension of 688 euros per month ( U.S. $ 928) . The intervention of social security helps supplement this income , but the current labor market flexibility will go a shadowy society account. According to a recent report by the Ministry of Labour contributions of people with mini-jobs to public pension funds will give them a right to a 3.11 euros per month (U.S. $ 4.19 ) per year worked. With the retirement age to 67 , it can be calculated that someone who has had mini-jobs in hotels or restaurants, will have a monthly pension of 140 euros ( U.S. $ 189) at retirement. According to Sebastian Dullien is a situation that affects not only the mini-jobs . "There are full-time jobs that pay about 5 euros per hour (U.S. $ 6.75) . Pension of such wages also will be below the poverty line ," he told BBC News .
A model in trouble
Despite these data , Germany has been called a "miracle " because it spanned two international - the crisis, financial crash of 2008 and the sovereign debt of 2010 - with a level of growth which, while not outstanding, was remarkable if as compared with the rest of the eurozone. But this miracle is beginning to dissipate. In 2010 and 2011 the economy grew by 4.2 % and 3 % respectively, partly recovering the ground lost during the global economic recession in 2009 ( 5.1% contraction ) . Since then the story has changed . In 2012 growth was 0.7% . In 2013 0.5%. Percentages are comparable with the crisis years of the century . Still, Chancellor Angela Merkel was reelected in September, but was forced to form a coalition with the Social Democrats to govern. The price that the Social Democrats put the pact was an improvement of social conditions , including a minimum wage, an increase in pensions and investment in infrastructure. This new covenant is not the end of the easing. According to Hans Kundnani , globalization will continue to impose conditions. "This is a dilemma for all developed economies . The problem is that Germany tried to compete with emerging economies based on price and not on innovation and investment. The new measures driven by social democrats may increase consumption. 's argument is right that this minimum wage will be job losses , "he told BBC Kundnani
Poverty in a rich country
This job insecurity has been accompanied by an increased "risk of poverty " . According to the official flag "is considered precarious situation when a household whose income does not exceed 60 % of the median income of the entire country." Constantly ready money is all that is below 848 euros per month ( equivalent to U.S. $ 1,158 ) . In purely numerical terms it is clear that a poor in Germany is not as poor as in Latin America. But if you take into account the cost of living in Germany , the hardness of the European winter and the monthly salary of mini-jobs (450 euros) the film changes . Although employment has grown in the last ten years , today more than 16 % of the population is at " risk of poverty " compared with 15.2 % in 2007. The increase may seem minimal, but reflects a new social premise: having a job is not enough to escape poverty. According to German researcher Sebastian Dullien , author of " decent Capitalism " , the changes of the last decade are creating a new model. " The double reform social security and the labor market has greatly increased poverty and inequality. We are becoming a country of low wages ," the BBC said Dullien .
Global world , flexible work
The starting point was the Agenda 2010 reform led by the Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in 2002 to combat the challenges of globalization. That year the German growth was 0 % and had a high rate of "chronic" unemployment considered . Many economists Germany called the " sick man of Europe ," incapable of coping with the competition from China and other Asian countries . According to the head of the European Research Council for Foreign Affairs , Hans Kundnani , Agenda 2010 favored employers at the expense of workers. "To compete globally entrepreneurs were moving production to countries with lower labor costs. This forced the unions to accept wage moderation . So they worked did not see a drop in their standard of living for the security reform social and those that work had not felt that they benefited from this so-called German ' second miracle ' . relaxed to that the employment contributed to lower labor costs plus the German joined , "he told BBC Kundnani . The unions negotiating tripartite system -business- government established after World War II paved the way for this adjustment was made, but considering that GDP growth between 2002-2012 was 1.2 % the economic performance is far from being a "miracle" . " we had a couple of pretty good years , but the growth has not been as strong . wage stagnation was a fall in living standards and our domestic consumption," Dullien told BBC world.
The long-term
A poverty rates , add a crisis that is hitting very hard to retirees. The official estimate is that 30 % receive a pension of 688 euros per month ( U.S. $ 928) . The intervention of social security helps supplement this income , but the current labor market flexibility will go a shadowy society account. According to a recent report by the Ministry of Labour contributions of people with mini-jobs to public pension funds will give them a right to a 3.11 euros per month (U.S. $ 4.19 ) per year worked. With the retirement age to 67 , it can be calculated that someone who has had mini-jobs in hotels or restaurants, will have a monthly pension of 140 euros ( U.S. $ 189) at retirement. According to Sebastian Dullien is a situation that affects not only the mini-jobs . "There are full-time jobs that pay about 5 euros per hour (U.S. $ 6.75) . Pension of such wages also will be below the poverty line ," he told BBC News .
A model in trouble
Despite these data , Germany has been called a "miracle " because it spanned two international - the crisis, financial crash of 2008 and the sovereign debt of 2010 - with a level of growth which, while not outstanding, was remarkable if as compared with the rest of the eurozone. But this miracle is beginning to dissipate. In 2010 and 2011 the economy grew by 4.2 % and 3 % respectively, partly recovering the ground lost during the global economic recession in 2009 ( 5.1% contraction ) . Since then the story has changed . In 2012 growth was 0.7% . In 2013 0.5%. Percentages are comparable with the crisis years of the century . Still, Chancellor Angela Merkel was reelected in September, but was forced to form a coalition with the Social Democrats to govern. The price that the Social Democrats put the pact was an improvement of social conditions , including a minimum wage, an increase in pensions and investment in infrastructure. This new covenant is not the end of the easing. According to Hans Kundnani , globalization will continue to impose conditions. "This is a dilemma for all developed economies . The problem is that Germany tried to compete with emerging economies based on price and not on innovation and investment. The new measures driven by social democrats may increase consumption. 's argument is right that this minimum wage will be job losses , "he told BBC Kundnani
The nightmare of the Spanish in Belgium: "We have been told a big lie with Europe"
Like many, left Spain with the idea of a better life abroad, but the project was 300 Spaniards emigrated to Belgium were twisted when ordered to leave the country for being " an undue burden " to the system.

The Spaniards were in 2013 third in the list of those most Europeans against expulsions were issued in Belgium for this reason , after Romanians and Bulgarians, according to figures released in January by the Belgian Aliens Office .
The spokesman for the Foreign Office in Belgium, Dominique Ernould explained that under the concept of " unreasonable burden on the system " case is examined case in Belgium , and considered load " when a person takes in more than one arrest whole year , does efforts to find a job and is installed on a system of social aid . "
The Belgian State Ernould stressed , " can not stand " that pressure : "Since the Belgian population is difficult. If in addition we have to accept and treat as part of the European population , is absolutely impossible. "
A burden to the system
One of the cases affected by the expulsion of Belgium is the Donaire Fatima (Jaén, 1984) , Bachelor of Fine Arts , which arrived in Belgium in November 2010 to practice for five months in a design studio , a scholarship program Eurydice .
When the fellowship ended, Donaire reported that decided to stay in Belgium to learn French and find work. At the same time , asked one of the social assistance in Belgium to people who do not have sufficient resources are granted and that allowed him to receive 525 euros a month to pay for accommodation .
During a year, the Andalusian worked as a waitress , but her work was declared to social security and still receiving social assistance, until he received a letter with the order within 30 days that he had to leave the country for being a burden on the system .
Already with the Belgian population is difficult. If in addition we have to accept and treat as part of the European population , it is absolutely impossible
In Belgium European expulsions have increased from about 300 in 2010 to 2,000 in 2012 to overcome , since the Belgian authorities cross -agency data .
"This has revealed that many European abusing the system. We have seen that we were putting the nail on the head : it is a system that was not working , "said Ernould .
Donaire says it received a " derogatory treatment " at the town hall where he went to receive the letter and where he retired Belgian identity card .
Through a Belgian lawyer presented evidence that during your stay no longer looking for work , and had also done a course to become child cheerleader in schools.
Thanks to that , and above all , to find work last June in a public school in Ixelles ( Brussels ) , avoided expulsion.
European lie
"I feel cheated , I feel that we have told a big lie with Europe when it is not true, and we are all deceived. Until you pass something of this kind do not know , "he said in an interview.
Overcome the situation, she explains that to free movement within the European Union " really means that you have money to stay interested , you do not have money and are looking for the life that will come to your country."
The expulsions , said spokeswoman Belgian Aliens Office , responding to the provisions of European legislation .
In this regard Justice spokeswoman of the European Commission (EC ) , Mina Andreeva , recalled that " the free movement right together is a duty."
Andreeva said , although it involves the free movement within the Community , "does not imply the right of free access to social security systems of the Member States " .
" The citizens have the right to go to another EU country and stay up to three months without any obligation or right to seek benefits ," says Andreeva , adding that only you can stay up to six months in the country if the person demonstrates that actively seeking work .
After that term , " European citizens have no right to remain in the host Member State , unless they have financial means to support and comprehensive sickness insurance ."
The Spaniards were in 2013 third in the list of those most Europeans against expulsions were issued in Belgium for this reason , after Romanians and Bulgarians, according to figures released in January by the Belgian Aliens Office .
The spokesman for the Foreign Office in Belgium, Dominique Ernould explained that under the concept of " unreasonable burden on the system " case is examined case in Belgium , and considered load " when a person takes in more than one arrest whole year , does efforts to find a job and is installed on a system of social aid . "
The Belgian State Ernould stressed , " can not stand " that pressure : "Since the Belgian population is difficult. If in addition we have to accept and treat as part of the European population , is absolutely impossible. "
A burden to the system
One of the cases affected by the expulsion of Belgium is the Donaire Fatima (Jaén, 1984) , Bachelor of Fine Arts , which arrived in Belgium in November 2010 to practice for five months in a design studio , a scholarship program Eurydice .
When the fellowship ended, Donaire reported that decided to stay in Belgium to learn French and find work. At the same time , asked one of the social assistance in Belgium to people who do not have sufficient resources are granted and that allowed him to receive 525 euros a month to pay for accommodation .
During a year, the Andalusian worked as a waitress , but her work was declared to social security and still receiving social assistance, until he received a letter with the order within 30 days that he had to leave the country for being a burden on the system .
Already with the Belgian population is difficult. If in addition we have to accept and treat as part of the European population , it is absolutely impossible
In Belgium European expulsions have increased from about 300 in 2010 to 2,000 in 2012 to overcome , since the Belgian authorities cross -agency data .
"This has revealed that many European abusing the system. We have seen that we were putting the nail on the head : it is a system that was not working , "said Ernould .
Donaire says it received a " derogatory treatment " at the town hall where he went to receive the letter and where he retired Belgian identity card .
Through a Belgian lawyer presented evidence that during your stay no longer looking for work , and had also done a course to become child cheerleader in schools.
Thanks to that , and above all , to find work last June in a public school in Ixelles ( Brussels ) , avoided expulsion.
European lie
"I feel cheated , I feel that we have told a big lie with Europe when it is not true, and we are all deceived. Until you pass something of this kind do not know , "he said in an interview.
Overcome the situation, she explains that to free movement within the European Union " really means that you have money to stay interested , you do not have money and are looking for the life that will come to your country."
The expulsions , said spokeswoman Belgian Aliens Office , responding to the provisions of European legislation .
In this regard Justice spokeswoman of the European Commission (EC ) , Mina Andreeva , recalled that " the free movement right together is a duty."
Andreeva said , although it involves the free movement within the Community , "does not imply the right of free access to social security systems of the Member States " .
" The citizens have the right to go to another EU country and stay up to three months without any obligation or right to seek benefits ," says Andreeva , adding that only you can stay up to six months in the country if the person demonstrates that actively seeking work .
After that term , " European citizens have no right to remain in the host Member State , unless they have financial means to support and comprehensive sickness insurance ."
viernes, 17 de enero de 2014
Gamonal victory .
Gamonal victory .
The work is temporarily paralyzed , one side , the mayor says he does not give way and the other, neighboring stands firm in its position . It looks like a stalemate that will never end until the defeat or victory of one .
I want to give the neighbors an idea hoping these words reach the neighborhood and can help make the "real " mecha to force substantial change our country needs and our Democracy. For Wicks , sparks and flame you but many believe will not produce fire , and that, of fire, and had quite our grandparents, EVER .
These are the following:
Gamonal victory would be complete if the associations of neighborhood residents prepare an alternative draft to the council, which is much cheaper Boulevard and free of speculation , commissions and subcontractors. That has a parking PUBLIC thought for the neighbors. And of course , labor is hired in the same neighborhood and distributed as best as possible.
This would be the political grave of the mayor and the district would remember the " boulevard no", do not be deceived that will try again to have Forever " Victory Boulevard " .
And on this I said ... All those with whom they discuss both do nothing but wait wicks , sparks and flame ... Should think about it ...
There are victories in stopping a project or another, or take a government or other ... The victories are generating between ALL "reality" to build after the change to ALL ... And that we're not going anywhere.
We see sparks , wicks , flames and fire ... No matter if we do not do what I say , or at least give voice and support those who are willing to do it themselves ... Without that ... There will be more and more sparks , wicks , flames and fire ... But we will only be fucking smoke in history.
15M and turned on the "real " mecha ... Stop waiting Revolutions and Make it because it is happening and many seem to have been unaware
The work is temporarily paralyzed , one side , the mayor says he does not give way and the other, neighboring stands firm in its position . It looks like a stalemate that will never end until the defeat or victory of one .
I want to give the neighbors an idea hoping these words reach the neighborhood and can help make the "real " mecha to force substantial change our country needs and our Democracy. For Wicks , sparks and flame you but many believe will not produce fire , and that, of fire, and had quite our grandparents, EVER .
These are the following:
Gamonal victory would be complete if the associations of neighborhood residents prepare an alternative draft to the council, which is much cheaper Boulevard and free of speculation , commissions and subcontractors. That has a parking PUBLIC thought for the neighbors. And of course , labor is hired in the same neighborhood and distributed as best as possible.
This would be the political grave of the mayor and the district would remember the " boulevard no", do not be deceived that will try again to have Forever " Victory Boulevard " .
And on this I said ... All those with whom they discuss both do nothing but wait wicks , sparks and flame ... Should think about it ...
There are victories in stopping a project or another, or take a government or other ... The victories are generating between ALL "reality" to build after the change to ALL ... And that we're not going anywhere.
We see sparks , wicks , flames and fire ... No matter if we do not do what I say , or at least give voice and support those who are willing to do it themselves ... Without that ... There will be more and more sparks , wicks , flames and fire ... But we will only be fucking smoke in history.
15M and turned on the "real " mecha ... Stop waiting Revolutions and Make it because it is happening and many seem to have been unaware
sábado, 4 de enero de 2014
jueves, 2 de enero de 2014
Child Labour: the billionaire business Yerba Mate
From the NGO A Dream for Missions , Patricia Ocampo tries to bring society to collaborate with the campaign " I love the Matte But Not Child Labor ." In Misiones boys are exploited to increase the daily harvest.
Patricia Ocampo is the General Coordinator of the NGO " A Dream For Missions" and the continuation of the constant campaigns that attempt to eradicate child labor , naked reality covering companies producing Yerba Mate and points out the challenges to eliminating thrashing in the field. "We need educational revolution is " almost screaming from northeastern Argentina.
Ocampo against government decisions but also admits that not only depends on officials " but the only way to achieve the eradication of child labor and containment of families is that worry us all ."
What are the measures from the missionary Government taken to reduce the scourge of child labor in the area of the Yerba Mate?
- There are isolated initiatives that arise from the problem of extreme marginality tareferos in which they live. For example, it has introduced a bill to place a stamp on the packages of yerba producers to comply with the law by employing children in the harvest and so provide tax advantages. However, the only way to achieve the eradication of child labor and containment of families is that we all worry . It is undeniable that politicians make the major decisions , but nothing that is really important to be left alone in the hands of governments , I repeat , nothing that is important and children are.
Why herbalists themselves do not dare to denounce the conditions in which they live and their children?
- The tareferos not reported because the need is on your plate and as a counterweight on the other side is the power. I give an example , a journalist asked us a note with a family whose children had died on the road in June 2013 . These guys did not exceed the age of 14 went to work to yerbal and died because the contractor 's moved on a truck with visible mechanical failures . To their families , the provincial government awarded them a grant , when asked if they wanted to make note , at first said yes and then said that they were afraid to let them make the subsidy if they spoke . I'm not saying that they'd been taken , but it is obvious that they are afraid of losing what little we have . The tareferos are afraid of losing the bags with food, school supplies given to them . The tareferos leaders know that their peers are with them because they are the leaders who receive and distribute what the government gives them . So each party ends up being functional to the status quo that keeps people in poverty 75 .
What is the salary of an employee?
- A worker has a base salary , paid when working and as harvesting , works 6 months and live the rest of odd jobs ( Hand of cheap unskilled labor ) . On average a worker claimed , in 2013 , about 2200 pesos a month, that's why if accompanying children harvest increases this figure. A complete family from sun to sun can get to reap thousand kilos in a day against the three hundred or five hundred who manages to make a tarefero alone. 70 % of tareferos works in black and white does not want to be in to keep subsidies .
Do parents are forced to take their children to work or do it by necessity?
- They do it out of necessity and because they have no place to leave them . Most working parents in harvesting the grass started working when they were between 4 and 13 years, it is normal for them . We must understand that among tareferos go hungry , we're not talking that they can not have holiday is among the ranks of the tareferos and peoples of Misiones where malnutrition and you need to speak to understand why so hard to get ahead. We need educational revolution is , if we get all our children and young people access to adequate food and an excellent education in 20 years we have another country.
Is it true that there are more deaths in children are unknown ?
- " A dream for Missions" does not have the resources to carry out scientifically statistics . We know that the guys in yerbales die , while poverty and hunger also kill . There are many diseases associated with poverty .
Can pesticides causes the deaths of the boys?
- A committee of IPEC ( Provincial Institute of Statistics and Censuses - Misiones ) met in August and have been expressed thus: " The provincial government has decided to conduct the first census operation that takes into consideration specifically to these important rural workers who form a key sector of the industry " will have to wait to finish the census to find accurate data, while I can only tell you so much that we have encountered many children with cerebral palsy and their mothers worked in the fields while pregnant . Although IPEC develop until the census we are blind as the state.
Could you talk to the kids or their parents ? What do you say ?
- In general there is a state of resignation , a way of life close to slavery is accepted. See no other possibility although deep sense that they are used. Imagine them like this: your grandparents were poor , your parents too poor vos sos not got nothing, you know your rights , your obligations and your energies are put into getting the calories to arrive tomorrow. Sometimes we have to pay some fees and feel anguish. These people think of getting the basics.
Why being a multimillion dollar business in such precarious working conditions and the kids are out of school ?
- The answer is very personal, could tell you that at 5 corporations that handle mate as they do not mind the money, the government such a thing , other than such opposition ... However , I really think the problem is social . We live in a society in fear of losing what we got to missing work and / or money. Crisis after crisis and live every day accept unfair situations for ourselves and others. This campaign is a way to retrieve the values and curb injustice. If you were to accomplish the task , which is simply to highlight what we as a society do with children who are our future and create a multi- table so that together the government , trade unions, opposition and NGOs , forget what we separated and we focus on eliminating child labor in yerba mate , then maybe we can be an inspiration to others and begin to transform society. There are many people wanting to do the right thing and this feeds my faith that this is possible.
Did you talk to the unions? With the Ministry of Labour ?
- Every time someone signs the petition automatically sends an email to the authorities of the country office of the ILO for Argentina , the Argentine Association Coordinator ( CCAS ) Council and the Secretary General Juan Carlos Schmid, Hugo Moyano, the Secretary General of the UIA and Carlos Taken , the Ministry of Labour , the Central Workers CONAETI Argentina and President John Bruno , Communication CONAETI , among many others. No replies yet. We have also communicated by telephone with CONAETI and you know what? we were asked to send an email , I hope it was a joke , however , I want to acknowledge Daniel Filmus me via Twitter helped one to support the request for a wheelchair for a 12 year old boy with cerebral palsy and one for phones CONAETI the president .
How this problem is solved without political status , without schools nearby for kids to not have to work ?
- It would be a mistake to think that this problem can be treated only with actions involving children , create a safety net for families, serve no spasmodic acts must develop policies and sustained action to eliminate child labor in the grass in 2015 but we must continue with the rest of the work that endanger children by 2016 , as promised in the Argentina international agreements. We need consensus , well-meaning people who embrace the idea of ending it in 2015.
Patricia Ocampo returned from missions to the province of Buenos Aires next week to continue the campaign started because the scourge herbalists living the missionary families . Also, Ocampo sent a letter to Pope Francisco , which had a large membership in social networks .
Hernán Giacomelli

Patricia Ocampo is the General Coordinator of the NGO " A Dream For Missions" and the continuation of the constant campaigns that attempt to eradicate child labor , naked reality covering companies producing Yerba Mate and points out the challenges to eliminating thrashing in the field. "We need educational revolution is " almost screaming from northeastern Argentina.
Ocampo against government decisions but also admits that not only depends on officials " but the only way to achieve the eradication of child labor and containment of families is that worry us all ."
What are the measures from the missionary Government taken to reduce the scourge of child labor in the area of the Yerba Mate?
- There are isolated initiatives that arise from the problem of extreme marginality tareferos in which they live. For example, it has introduced a bill to place a stamp on the packages of yerba producers to comply with the law by employing children in the harvest and so provide tax advantages. However, the only way to achieve the eradication of child labor and containment of families is that we all worry . It is undeniable that politicians make the major decisions , but nothing that is really important to be left alone in the hands of governments , I repeat , nothing that is important and children are.
Why herbalists themselves do not dare to denounce the conditions in which they live and their children?
- The tareferos not reported because the need is on your plate and as a counterweight on the other side is the power. I give an example , a journalist asked us a note with a family whose children had died on the road in June 2013 . These guys did not exceed the age of 14 went to work to yerbal and died because the contractor 's moved on a truck with visible mechanical failures . To their families , the provincial government awarded them a grant , when asked if they wanted to make note , at first said yes and then said that they were afraid to let them make the subsidy if they spoke . I'm not saying that they'd been taken , but it is obvious that they are afraid of losing what little we have . The tareferos are afraid of losing the bags with food, school supplies given to them . The tareferos leaders know that their peers are with them because they are the leaders who receive and distribute what the government gives them . So each party ends up being functional to the status quo that keeps people in poverty 75 .
What is the salary of an employee?
- A worker has a base salary , paid when working and as harvesting , works 6 months and live the rest of odd jobs ( Hand of cheap unskilled labor ) . On average a worker claimed , in 2013 , about 2200 pesos a month, that's why if accompanying children harvest increases this figure. A complete family from sun to sun can get to reap thousand kilos in a day against the three hundred or five hundred who manages to make a tarefero alone. 70 % of tareferos works in black and white does not want to be in to keep subsidies .
Do parents are forced to take their children to work or do it by necessity?
- They do it out of necessity and because they have no place to leave them . Most working parents in harvesting the grass started working when they were between 4 and 13 years, it is normal for them . We must understand that among tareferos go hungry , we're not talking that they can not have holiday is among the ranks of the tareferos and peoples of Misiones where malnutrition and you need to speak to understand why so hard to get ahead. We need educational revolution is , if we get all our children and young people access to adequate food and an excellent education in 20 years we have another country.
Is it true that there are more deaths in children are unknown ?
- " A dream for Missions" does not have the resources to carry out scientifically statistics . We know that the guys in yerbales die , while poverty and hunger also kill . There are many diseases associated with poverty .
Can pesticides causes the deaths of the boys?
- A committee of IPEC ( Provincial Institute of Statistics and Censuses - Misiones ) met in August and have been expressed thus: " The provincial government has decided to conduct the first census operation that takes into consideration specifically to these important rural workers who form a key sector of the industry " will have to wait to finish the census to find accurate data, while I can only tell you so much that we have encountered many children with cerebral palsy and their mothers worked in the fields while pregnant . Although IPEC develop until the census we are blind as the state.
Could you talk to the kids or their parents ? What do you say ?
- In general there is a state of resignation , a way of life close to slavery is accepted. See no other possibility although deep sense that they are used. Imagine them like this: your grandparents were poor , your parents too poor vos sos not got nothing, you know your rights , your obligations and your energies are put into getting the calories to arrive tomorrow. Sometimes we have to pay some fees and feel anguish. These people think of getting the basics.
Why being a multimillion dollar business in such precarious working conditions and the kids are out of school ?
- The answer is very personal, could tell you that at 5 corporations that handle mate as they do not mind the money, the government such a thing , other than such opposition ... However , I really think the problem is social . We live in a society in fear of losing what we got to missing work and / or money. Crisis after crisis and live every day accept unfair situations for ourselves and others. This campaign is a way to retrieve the values and curb injustice. If you were to accomplish the task , which is simply to highlight what we as a society do with children who are our future and create a multi- table so that together the government , trade unions, opposition and NGOs , forget what we separated and we focus on eliminating child labor in yerba mate , then maybe we can be an inspiration to others and begin to transform society. There are many people wanting to do the right thing and this feeds my faith that this is possible.
Did you talk to the unions? With the Ministry of Labour ?
- Every time someone signs the petition automatically sends an email to the authorities of the country office of the ILO for Argentina , the Argentine Association Coordinator ( CCAS ) Council and the Secretary General Juan Carlos Schmid, Hugo Moyano, the Secretary General of the UIA and Carlos Taken , the Ministry of Labour , the Central Workers CONAETI Argentina and President John Bruno , Communication CONAETI , among many others. No replies yet. We have also communicated by telephone with CONAETI and you know what? we were asked to send an email , I hope it was a joke , however , I want to acknowledge Daniel Filmus me via Twitter helped one to support the request for a wheelchair for a 12 year old boy with cerebral palsy and one for phones CONAETI the president .
How this problem is solved without political status , without schools nearby for kids to not have to work ?
- It would be a mistake to think that this problem can be treated only with actions involving children , create a safety net for families, serve no spasmodic acts must develop policies and sustained action to eliminate child labor in the grass in 2015 but we must continue with the rest of the work that endanger children by 2016 , as promised in the Argentina international agreements. We need consensus , well-meaning people who embrace the idea of ending it in 2015.
Patricia Ocampo returned from missions to the province of Buenos Aires next week to continue the campaign started because the scourge herbalists living the missionary families . Also, Ocampo sent a letter to Pope Francisco , which had a large membership in social networks .
Hernán Giacomelli
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