Concludes 2012. And it does so with the worst record of economic management and labor of a democratic government in the period. CCOO, we are facing the biggest threat to the welfare state, social rights and the right to work in the recent democratic history, and the two general strikes that have taken place on 29 March and 14 November in response to these policies prove it. The economic and financial crisis that, in varying degrees, suffer European economies has made the case that has served the Government to enable an ambitious program of counter and removing social and labor rights that draw a country, a welfare state and democratic institutions in the EU queue.
Opinion | Confederation of Trade Unions CCOO • Gazette | 30/12/2012
The Spanish economy for the fourth consecutive live the severe crisis that began in the second quarter of 2008. The rate of job losses to rise again in 2012 (4.5%) to a level much higher than in the previous two years, while significantly reducing the number of employed persons (837,000, of which correspond to 200,000 and 228,000 in construction sector employment).
CCOO believes that the Spanish Government, sometimes required by European authorities and other animated by its own ideology ultraliberal, has bowed to pressure from financial institutions to activate a dogmatic anti-deficit policy and sacrificing economic activity and employment. A path that has led to historical rates of unemployment, stroking and 6 million unemployed people (798,000 in 2012). Their policies only have waged economic and financial elites, who have maintained or improved their situation, while the vast majority of Spanish society has seen their living conditions worsen.
In a year of government, the Spanish right and the nationalist right have broken the industrial relations system, collective bargaining have unbalanced in favor of the employer, have easier and cheaper for the dismissal, have weakened the very poor state of welfare and services public, have raised the death certificate of dependency law; been beaten over and over again the purchasing power of pensioners and public employees and announced deep cuts in the public pension system, have privatized health and cut their benefits, have led the preconstitutional time education, have destroyed free access to justice; threaten civil rights, such as gay marriage and abortion, and has not hesitated to derive the social conflict to conflict of law and order, often resorting to coercive power State. A year of government in which we have seen a huge democratic fraud, after checking how the manifesto with which the PP won the elections on 20 November 2011 has been shelved and replaced by a radically different.
The latest manifestation of this fraud is no pension increases and the announcement of further cuts in the public system. Virtually all social sectors suffer from adjustment policies and government cuts Mariano Rajoy. The constitution of the Social Summit in late July this year (an initiative of the CCOO and UGT, which brought together one hundred and fifty of social, cultural and professional, and has already held five meetings) has served to channel the public response Government measures, and was also the platform that has launched the demand for a referendum for citizens to decide on a program of cuts that did not show up to the elections.
CCOO believes that the path chosen by the government leads inevitably to more recession and unemployment, and brings us closer to the situation in Greece, Ireland and Portugal. The irresponsible behavior of the EU authorities and national governments to sacrifice growth policies and job creation to focus exclusively on curbing the deficit, following the dictates of Chancellor Merkel, is causing an increased and sustained social conflict throughout Europe. For the first time in the recent history of democracy, European workers convened by the CES, starred in the Nov. 14, 2012 a day of mobilization and continental solidarity in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece resulted in a general strike, with the participation million workers and citizens, both the strike and the demonstrations that occurred during the day of action.
The dismantling of the welfare state and the elimination of civil and democratic rights at odds with the union movement and with the vast majority of organized social fabric. CCOO announces its determination to combat these policies and to keep alive the social conflict unless there is a radical change them.
Union proposals to promote growth, employment and social cohesion, to the crisis of the Spanish economy
The general secretaries of the CCOO and UGT, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo and Cándido Méndez, presented a document of union proposals for economic recovery and employment policies against cuts and austerity. A document which referred to the Government, employers and political parties in order to open a broad discussion process for seeking consensus measures that bring to Spain from the crisis and lay the groundwork for future growth, sustainable and balanced. As recalled by the Secretary General of CCOO, "four years of crisis and erratic policies of governments have caused an increase in inequality and impoverishment of the population, whose most dramatic are the nearly 6 million people in the unemployment ".
Europe: Improved stability with economic growth
CCOO and UGT demanded the Government to explore possible alliances in Europe to seek a counterbalance to the German government, which still believes that austerity is the panacea. A policy of austerity, as reported Toxo, "is proving toxic to the European economies."
The unions are demanding change in the stability and growth pact, which should include a new timetable for meeting the deficit targets until at least 2016, and accompany these measures with other pulse of economic activity. CCOO and UGT insist that it is necessary European Central bank intervention in debt markets to lower the cost of financing, which will next year four points of GDP. In addition, demand the establishment of an emergency plan for the revival of the European economy, a new "Marshall Plan century version", it is impossible for the southern European countries out of this situation without European solidarity. Spain: change the production model, strengthening the welfare state and place employment at the center of policy
In relation to our country, proposals placed CCOO and UGT main objective job creation. To do opt for a change in the production model based on a boost to R & D, training, education and energy (also paying more attention to developing and industrial sector plans that seek to increase the size of the companies and their presence abroad), and as a labor relations framework competitive with quality of life for workers. Also, opt for a change in fiscal policy, with the income tax recovery, fortunes and determined struggle for control of tax fraud.
The CCOO and UGT paper points out some proposals regarding the reorganization of the financial system, which is essential, while respecting the rights of workers. In this regard, it is emphasized that public banking is needed to act against the operating cycle and easing credit to households and businesses .. Unions also opt for a policy that encourages the proposed dwelling and the revised arrangements for the renegotiation of loans, and other alternatives to prevent evictions.
CCOO and UGT highlight the need for a new industrial relations framework to negotiate the minefield sown by the labor reform, which has introduced cutting rights and an imbalance in favor of the employer.
Strengthen democratic mechanisms.
Recover social dialogue
The Government has neglected social dialogue and consultation mechanisms for the pursuit of agreed policies that bring to Spain from the crisis. Therefore, CCOO and UGT insist on the need to restore and strengthen the channels of social dialogue and democratic participation to lay the foundations for future growth, sustainable and balanced. The public is demanding in the streets this policy change. If the Government does not consider it should convene a referendum as soon as possible for citizens to decide on policies that were not included in its election.