NEWS workplace and workers' struggles
Bulletin Layoffs and labor struggles (11-12-2012)
SOLIDARITY WITH THE TEMPLATE CAPGEMINI on indefinite strike and 3 days
From the Computer Coordinator CGT want to show our full solidarity with Capgemini template, where indefinite strike called or 3 days depending on the workplace. Barely a year after an ERE, the company tries to commit an atrocity on thousands of workers taking advantage of the worst articles of the Labor Reform.
Capgemini, company increased its turnover by 6.5% over a year ago, aims to lower wages, in turn a part variable, delete triennia collection, intensive day, social benefits, all in one go.
Why? Because stealing, EXPLODE and laugh workers is bet-worm managers to increase the profit margin. Managers with low-cost brains who want to fill their pockets with suffering of workers. These managers follow the path of Diaz Ferran convicted felon "work more and earn less" and, like him, have gone from braking.
In Barcelona, Asturias and Zaragoza, workers marched through the indefinite strike that will start in the center of Barcelona this Thursday 13th. In the other centers are scheduled three days of strikes over the next 14, 18 and 20 December.
And they are not alone.
It is the obligation of all workers in the computer industry with the template tip CapGemini. Parasites living to pressure, coerce and reduce more and more the conditions of workers in the IT sector should be clear about the message or will spread like the plague.
We will mobilize our resources to explain what makes CapGemini with your template, let's put the focus on those managers, let's get alongside CapGemini all workers to complete and total withdrawal of these attacks without name.
Extendedlo by social networks, stay tuned to the calls, press and let them imprimid clients, consultants, participate in their demonstrations, send messages of encouragement.
From today, We are all workers in struggle CapGemini.
CAF WORKERS BEASAIN seconded the first of the strikes called ERE AGAINST proposed by the company
Europa Press - San Sebastián
CAF workers in Beasain (Gipuzkoa) have supported the first strikes against the "unilateral decision" of the company to implement a Record of Employment Regulation suspension for around 869 employees of Division 4 of finishes vehicles from the factory.
The strike was total and have stopped all production lines. They have also held a demonstration at the premises of the plant after a banner with the slogan 'GAURKO borroka, Biharko emplegua. ERErik Ez '(The struggle today, work tomorrow. Ere not to).
Union representation recalled that the Committee will meet with the Department of CAF and then made the second of stoppages approved in the assembly of workers.
Also offer a press conference at the main entrance of the plant, and then manifest through the streets of Beasain.
Paradores PRESENTS ERE to dismiss 644 WORKERS
CC.OO. believe that behind this there is a plan of adjustment covert privatization process
Paradores presented a dossier of employment regulation (ERE) that, to succeed, will the dismissal of 644 workers, 14% of the workforce. Antonio Ruda, spokesman for the Federation of Commerce, Catering and Tourism CCOO, said the company intends to close "Paradores chain 7" and 900 workers change their status to permanent-intermittent fixed . "About the ERE, we fear the worst, applying the toughest conditions," he lamented.
Ruda said that "this plan includes closing seven stores and a workforce adjustment affecting 1,646 workers, including layoffs, early retirements and wage cuts. Specifically, the template prevéreducir chain to 644 terminations of contracts and reduce the time and wage to 900 people. latter measure includes in turn a change of contract type fixed to fixed discontinuous, allowing sending workers home depending on the occupation of the premises and the seasons. "
Finally Ruda complaint behind this adjustment plan is a covert privatization process.
CONSORTIUM firefighters go on strike GRAND CANARY BY "incompetence" of the Chapter
Europa Press - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Shuffled lodge a complaint against the minister of the area
Firefighters Consortium Gran Canaria begin on December 1, an indefinite strike motivated by the "incompetence" of the Cabildo, "incapable of responding to the lack of staff and dismantling service that has suffered from the closure of parks" reported the strike committee spokesman, José María Monzón, in a statement.
The workers explained that two meetings have been held in order to determine the minimum services to the strike and reach a final attempt at understanding.
"The administration - said Monzón - has shown little willingness to resolve the issues that we consider key workers, showing a negative attitude at all times. For this reason, we have no choice but to go on strike for political intransigence demonstrated by Bravo de Laguna and their managers. "
He also said that last March, the council appointed a military manager for the Consortium, "when what I really needed this public service is mandatory economic manager understand the functioning of basic public services, necessary and meet the proposed high by unions for several years. "
"The reality is that it has been shown in a few months that blindness and intolerance of the military, Emilio Duch, again led the group into conflict with the administration because at no time has been committed to reorganize the structure of Consortium, change discriminatory fees are charged to citizens in each intervention, creating the training school to be a source of funding itself, running 100% of the RPT and have 226 firefighters and ends from the current 198 which exist even when the money for it, "he said.
Monzon said that it is endless proposals that have not been addressed and that suggest that workers Corporation President insular, José Miguel Bravo de Laguna, looking "choke" the Fire Consortium "to justify more closures parks as has happened with Tejeda, closed for a year. "
According to firefighters, including the negotiation of minimum services, "the council shows that he does not care the safety of the island."
Meanwhile, the strike committee requested 42 firefighters each day to all the parks trying to meet the safety ratios, while the City Council imposes 35, "demonstrating the lack of interest is a basic service of its kind with more than 3,100 calls a year ".
Firefighters also reported that the Consortium has been violating the minimum services required for each park by staff shortages and strongly emphasized that this has been reported in the Labour Inspectorate.
Finally, workers shuffled even the possibility of filing suit against the Cabildo councilor María del Mar Arévalo "for systematic non-fire with the minimum that should be every day in the parks, in the knowledge that the service decline ".
Unions USE, SCAT, CCOO and UGT have called strike in the road passenger transport, including school and some local lines, from 10 to 14 December and from 8 to 11 January.
The strike was called by all the unions in the sector before blocking negotiations with the employer's collective agreement Cantabria and assembly has been supported by 88 percent of workers, as reported in a press conference.
The transport sector is no agreement since December 2011 but has been extended, with the entry into force of labor reform, until 14 July 2013. If it is agreed a new one, the regulatory status of workers or enterprise agreements, and unions warn that it will result in salary reductions, layoffs and worse working conditions.
As explained by the USO representative, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Colsa, which is asking workers to sign a new agreement that "the hook kick to the sector."
Unions and employers have already held several meetings and the last was in Orecla, but the employer did not show up, said USO spokesman, who has advanced Dec. 2, have been summoned back to 1630 hours. Unions have called for citizens to understand this strike call, which in December will match well with the rail sector.
The strike will affect the transport by road of passengers, school transport and some municipalities of Cantabria, as Torrebús Torrelavega, the Camargo and Shipyard and lines from the municipal operating Santander Cantabria Land Transport, Alsa Group (the 17, 18 and 19). Not affect the Astibús, not governed by the sector agreement.
Unions have emphasized that the decision to go on strike, which are called about 400 workers, has not been taken lightly, because it has been adopted, with majority support, after three meetings and the acudiese even address the last meeting in Orecla.
One of their demands in negotiation is the inclusion of a provision to prevent companies to opt out of the collective agreement in a time when there are already "rumors of you are" in the sector.
Another concern is ensuring the subrogation of workers when there are new service concessions after this year Alsa 17 employees have lost their jobs because companies awarded the school bus does not have surrogate. The workers have gone to court and the trials will be held on 9 and 10 January.
Gas Stations indefinite strike from 20 BIZKAIA DECEMBER
Workers complain that take almost two years since the end of the term of the agreement
The unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and USO have called an indefinite strike at the pump of Biscay from December 20 to demand collective bargaining agreement in the sector.
As explained by the unions, after almost two years since the term of the agreement finalize Service Station of Bizkaia, the workers gathered in assembly have decided to start a schedule of demonstrations will conclude with the aforementioned indefinite strike from 20 December.
In this line, have denounced the intention of the employer, the state formed by Avecar and Cebek, "to make use of extreme labor reform approved to waive the agreement."
With labor reform, this agreement will decline next July 8 at the end of the ultra-activity. In that case, the agreement would apply statewide gas stations, "much lower than that of Biscay". It happens also that the state convention has blocked 2 years, so that these workers would be to the provisions of the Workers' Statute.
In the few meetings that have been held so far, as long as the unions, the employers was limited "to try to restrict the few rights that workers in this sector", as is the removal of old, expanded features, more flexible hours, geographical mobility, etc..
Meanwhile, the main demands are to avoid the loss of purchasing power of workers and guarantee that, once signed the Convention applies, ie "shield the dangers agreement is reform." "That the employer does not want to talk about these clauses is the same as saying that this agreement does not apply.
Thus, virtually 100% of the workers voted indefinite strike starting from December 20, "explained Until that day, the demonstrations" will be consistent "with car caravans, rallies in their own stations and demonstrations Bilbao, among other acts.
A strike at Tabasa have to lift TUNNEL BARRIERS VALLVIDRERA
A strike by workers Tabasa, the company managing Vallvidrera tunnels and the Cadi, forced to lift the barriers in the tunnel tolls Vallvidrera (Barcelona) for one hour, from 8 to 9.
A group of workers the company has cut Vallvidrera road, the only alternative to the tunnels, which caused major traffic delays that have been forced to raise the toll barriers, according to company sources.
The security protocol requires raising the toll barriers when the deductions that have been up to 6 miles, according to the Catalan Traffic Service, come into the tunnels. Minimum services of a debt collector for flow direction, were satisfied during the strike, both tunnels as Cadí Vallvidrera, where there were no incidents. In the afternoon, are called strikes from 17.00 until 20.00.
Europa Press - Pamplona
The Gamesa councils have called a demonstration for December 9 in Pamplona against the record of employment regulation presented by the company, which provides 283 layoffs in Navarra.
The unions CCOO, UGT and ELA have indicated in a statement that "after three weeks of fruitless meetings with the company in which the only thing that has been raised by the representative of the company is that, in return for ' save "100 jobs, give up our rights, we believe that if there is a strong position of workers is not going to get anywhere other than layoffs and suffering." The rally will leave the old bus station.
Furthermore, for the December 4 has set a referendum for workers to decide whether to go on strike. Works councils raise two options: a complete strike on 10 and 11 December, or strike from 15 hours on 10, 11, 12 and 13 December.
ESK COMPLAINT THAT WANTS CAF BEASAIN "benefit" of labor reform ERE WITH despite its "benefits"
ESK The union has complained that the direction of CAF Beasain intended "benefit" of labor reform, with the Redundancy Employment (ERE) of suspension would affect about 869 employees of the Division IV of finished vehicles in the first half 2013, despite the "benefits" obtained.
In a statement, ESK has expressed its "astonishment" to this measure which will affect 40 to 45 percent of the affected day.
Recalling that the current direction of the company took over the reins of the same two decades ago, "financial support" of the Basque savings banks and "important economic support of the various institutions of the Basque Country", stressed that the last years have been "very positive" for the company.
In this regard, stressed that the backlog has reached "nearly 5,000 million euros and 93 million have received benefits." Nevertheless ESK has criticized the leadership, "citing reasons of lack of workload Beasain" ERE aim of this "benefit" of the last central government labor reform PP for "fraudulently saving money on account of the public funds and unemployment ".
The union has called "completely reprehensible" this practice more in the current environment in which public money "should be used to help those who truly need it, such as the unemployed and businesses that are in danger of closing ".
In this regard, said that if the direction of CAF "begins to move down the path of seeking profit, pure and simple without any scruples, it is not difficult to predict that in the not too distant poses minimize its workforce centers in the Basque Country, forgetting their commitments in the past with CAF workers and all Basque society ".
Finally, ESK has urged institutions and Adegi Kutxabank to address to address CAF to suppress ERE raised.
MCA-UGT not accept measures that destroy jobs and commitment to early retirements, relocations, redundancies or ERTE
Alestis workers have rejected the record of employment regulation (ERE) raised, which they describe as "bleeding", and "to lose many jobs", affecting 312 contracts and will run throughout 2013, after which he regretted that the regional government "continues to look the other way" in this conflict.
Union sources have indicated that this ERE submitted is "bleeding", since "lost many jobs" after they have complained that the Andalusian "is looking the other way" in this conflict and about the situation of Alestis, instead of "influence the Ministry of Industry."
"We are all blind and lose ourselves in this matter," union sources have indicated, who point out that the works council of San Pablo Alestis submitted its claims bankruptcy report that "somehow contradict some points in the report."
The sources added that for now Alestis has not set the criteria or basis to be applied in the ERE, since the judge "has two weeks to convene the negotiating table, and it will establish the criteria and discuss all. "
However, note that the distribution of the ERE affected "will be linked to production and workloads," after they have added that "there will not be viable in the company if no one comes to make money."
UGT bet for early retirements, relocations and ERTE
Meanwhile, the federation metal UGT-A commitment to early retirements, relocations, redundancies and temporary records of employment regulation (ERTE) to reduce the number of workers that the Andalusian consortium raises for the coming years.
MCA UGT-A praised the announcement by Alestis reported in which the presentation of ERE in the Commercial Court of Seville, affecting 312 workers from plants in Seville, Cadiz and Vitoria.
The metal UGT federation said that although he was aware that downsizing was one of the items in the viability plan approved by the board of Alestis last October, the union will not agree to do "through measures involving traumatic job losses in its restructuring process."
Thus, he explained that once they convene in the consultation period to treat conditions ERE, not negotiate "any action that involves laying off workers by the final extinction of the employment relationship" and opt to exhaust other alternatives ensure the recovery of the end of the plan once (2017).
In fact, advocates of early retirement route, low incentive or Redundancy Temporary Employment (ERTE) rotary general "would reduce in the coming years and gradually the workforce that the company considered as surplus and retrieve to increase their workload. "
In this sense, has called attention to Airbus - Alestis largest customer - to "refocus its face to new hires next year and allow the relocation of the workers in their companies."
The Works of Antibiotics denounced the failure of Redundancy Employment (ERE) by the company management, which appealed to bet on the traditional production until they are running the new projects planned factory for Leon, since otherwise there will be a situation "very critical" in Leon plant.
Its president recalled that this ERE was signed on 31 October and, since the entry into force is not being met by the company, although "in full" by the workers.
Due to this situation of employment regulation, which came into operation on 18 November, Leon working in the factory today about a hundred workers, while the remaining 200 are in suspension unemployment situation in rotational periods 6 months.
However, from the Committee regrets that, despite the initial premises of this ERE is an application that had a year, now the factory is "stop", with a level of activity that round "6 percent "due to lack of funds for the purchase of raw materials for the production of traditional production, which would guarantee the payment of payroll.
For its part, the Department said Antibiotics are being met "with absolute normality 'commitments to workers in the ERE, explaining that traditional products are made" for campaigns, "subject to the availability of orders" firm " .
CORRUGADOS steelmaker ceases operations permanently
GETAFE - Reuters
Corrugated steel company, situated in the industrial area of Getafe Los Angeles for almost 50 years, has ceased trading halt production after 3 weeks, which means the dismissal of 206 workers, following the presentation of a Redundancy Jobs last September.
The secretary of the council, Jose Benitez, has confirmed to Europa Press the closure of the smelter, which occupies an area of 100,000 square meters, and in 2005 the group acquired Arcelor Gallardo although previously called Aceralia and Azma.
The group's management decided to cut the supply of raw materials earlier this month so that workers feared that the closure would be imminent, since November 27 was the deadline marked on the ERE to communicate layoffs.
From City of Getafe, Mayor Juan Soler pledged in early October with the works council of the Consistory Corrugados to not downgrade the land where the steel plant to a hypothetical sale after closure.
Juan Soler said in the plenary, where this issue was discussed, which is not provided a reclassification in the General Urban Plan and has no intention to propose any change in the ground, as the company was one of the most large Getafe after EADS and John Deere.
The mayor also said he met twice with the owner Alfonso Gallardo and tried to convince him, but he said he "did not leave the accounts and Corrugados not feasible with such staff, with very high salaries."
Furthermore, Soler said that the owner has not asked the reclassification and having the feeling that Corrugados "Mr. Gallardo is not the person who orders it is limited and controlled by financial institutions to which you owe money."
VALENCIA - Reuters
RTVV begins layoffs to notify voluntarily received ERE and people leave
Radio Televisión Valenciana (RTVV) has begun notifying layoffs 53 people affected by the Redundancy Employment (ERE), as reported by unions and the public entity.
Specifically, the output is communicated to workers who have opted voluntarily to ERE - about 30 employees - because people leave and no reservation fee and the interim they are replacing.
The notifications will continue in the week after December bridge - between 10 and 14 - and in this case, will be communicated to agency workers - central - and from Radio 9. For Channel 9, where "the bulk of the staff", shall be notified in January. From RTVV explained that not all outputs will be "immediate".
The board of RTVV approved in August, with the votes of the directors of the PP, the proposed ERE on the template of the public body, which sets out "progressive" up to 1198 workers, to leave the group as "a minimum "480 employees.
AIMEN poses a "maximum" of 25 layoffs to "adapt" to FALL ACTIVITY
The technological and research center working on new projects to reduce the dimensions of the ERE - Ensures the maintenance of more than 180 jobs
Aimen Technology Centre (Metallurgical Research Association Northwest), located in O Porrino, will undertake a work force adjustment to dismiss, "at most" 25 workers. So what sources said council, ratified by the center, but still did not indicate how soon will make the ERE.
The company had an impact on reducing staff reach that "cap on the worst" and ensured the maintenance of "over 180 jobs" in the technology center and research highlights from the province.
As of Aimen has 200 workers and staff, the company says it "has excelled in the past five years by the continuous and significant job creation." However the current economic climate, which affects the "productivity" of the companies for which they serve, "forces" the center to "bring its temporary workforce to the future of the activity, with the intention to keep" a percentage higher than 90% of permanent employment and "most" of the time. "Aimen is no stranger to the general crisis," they explained.
The final dimension of this measure will depend, according to what is explained by the firm, whether formalized or not new research projects in January. "We work with other companies and projects our business depends on it," they said. Five hundred companies are in the customer register Aimen.
Workers, as expressed from the template itself, yet they have not been given a "financial report" that supports these 25 dismissals maximum that will perform. "Already we have order, with data, to assess the situation," said one worker, who asked not to be named in this information. Among the possibilities offered by Aimen to reduce the size of the ERE might be a salary reduction agreement, as this newspaper argued from the council.
The center has already experienced a "symbolic strike" an hour to protest the lack of agreement between staff and management to "improve some conditions" labor, especially those relating to travel and overtime. They are about 20 workers who "work outside the center going from one place to another", the most affected by these conversations.
Aimen has 4 ships and 2 levels of work in the Technological Center Priegue Armando. At the end of 2011 showed a drop in revenues of just over 12.7%, rising from 11.8 million in 2010 to 10.3 which won last year.
Bodegas Chivite presented to council a Record of Employment Regulation (ERE) temporary in order to adapt the template to the pace of sales. The historic winery Navarre is accusing a significant drop in sales and raises this as "trying to preserve the volume of employment."
The purpose of regulation is to adapt "to the template volume of work to be coming in," explained
The ERE covers fiscal 2013 and 2014, which gives an idea of the forecasts about a comeback in consumption does not seem close. Affect, according to documentation provided to 53 of the 85 workers Arínzano, Cintruénigo and agricultural work. In principle, the company sought to apply the ERE to a maximum of 130 days during the two years, at a rate of 65 each. "We will work to the extent you have orders," explained from the direction of the company. The work would be most affected bottling therefore during regulation.
"Let's see how it behaves in December, which used to be a great month, but the prospects are not good", explained from the company, recognizing that the time the wine was the ultimate Christmas present history seems to have passed.
"Clearly, we are experiencing a savings overall situation", added the sources of the company headquartered in Cintruénigo.
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